Smartgrid One

Remote via API or local via hardware


with SmartgridOne

While we all embrace more and more sustainably generated energy, we also face challenges, such as keeping the energy grid in balance. A direct consequence of this is that we are now experiencing negative energy prices, causing high costs for owners of production installations. A solution to this is 'curtailment'.

Curtailment is all about matching energy supply and demand. At times of extreme sun or wind, when too much energy is generated compared to demand, the energy grid can become unbalanced, resulting in energy prices becoming negative and you paying for energy production. To prevent this, producers of green energy, such as wind turbines and solar parks, can temporarily reduce their production.

Eniris is a pioneer in the use of curtailment. We predict the energy production of producers in real-time and, if necessary, apply curtailment to avoid overproduction. Eniris developed two products for this purpose: Eniris Remote Curtailment and smart grid controller. With Eniris Remote Curtailment you can curtail your installation without hardware, with the smart grid controller you have a device that can also read your energy meters and control other energy technologies.

Real-time monitoring of energy consumption makes energy management for residential customers easier and more efficient. The controller provides automatic energy management features, such as smart switching and optimization of devices to reduce energy costs. With an intuitive interface, users can easily analyze their energy consumption and adjust settings to save energy. The controller's advanced technology allows households to achieve a greener lifestyle without compromising on convenience and comfort.

SmartGridOne provides industrial customers with advanced tools for effective energy management and accurate monitoring. With integrated support for virtual powerplants, companies can optimize their energy resources and use them more efficiently. The controller also helps with curtailment, preventing power grid overload, and provides smart charging capabilities for electric vehicles. This results in smoother energy flow, lower costs and a more sustainable energy infrastructure for industrial customers.

Eniris Remote Curtailment

Eniris Remote Curtailment is an online service that allows solar installations to be controlled remotely via an API. What makes this such a unique solution is that market data, specifically the Epex spot market and the imbalance market, are used to decide when and how much an installation should be reduced.

Traditional curtailment may require technicians to go to the installation site to make adjustments and install a device. With Eniris, customers can avoid this completely, saving time and costs.

By responding intelligently to the Epex spot market and imbalance market, companies can benefit from favorable prices, which can lead to significant savings in the long term.

Eniris Remote Cutailment is part of the Eniris Solar platform. This platform is connected to solar installations via an API. Based on the market data it receives, the system's algorithm makes decisions about when and how much to curtail a particular installation. These decisions are then implemented automatically.

What is the
SmartgridOne controller?

The Smartgrid Controller is a device that can be directly connected to various energy equipment (such as inverters, batteries, heat pumps, charging stations, energy meters, etc.) and manages them intelligently based on a chosen strategy. Curtailment is one of these strategies. When there are negative energy prices, the Smartgrid Controller will partially or completely reduce the output power of the solar installation.